At The Movies - Air | Jentezen Franklin

Sunday, July 21

Key Scriptures  

II Samuel 22:30; I Samuel 16:7; Hebrews 11:6; James 2:17; Proverbs 24:16 


Playing it safe won’t get you far. Risk and faith go hand in hand. It may get hard at times, but with God, anything is possible! There are four kinds of faith you need that can overcome any obstacle.  

  • What do you remember about Sunday’s message? 

You need the faith to believe there is a way.  

David faced many enemies throughout his life, yet he consistently found deliverance through the Lord, as celebrated in 2 Samuel 22. Reflecting on his experiences, David chose to write a song of praise, highlighting God's faithfulness and protection, rather than a lament over his struggles.  

2 Samuel 22:30 NASB “For by You I can run at a troop of warriors; By my God I can leap over a wall. 

David's perspective invites us to reflect deeply on our own lives. Ask each member of the group to rate themselves on the below questions:  

  • When going through trouble, do I default to viewing my circumstances through a 'God-lens' or through a defeated? (Another words, what mindset do I tend to approach problems with?) 
  • When considering my past, do I focus more on the trials or on God's deliverance and faithfulness during those challenging times?  
  • When I speak of God and His work in my life, is my language faith-filled and vibrant, or does it sound uninspired and stale? 

It can be hard to have faith if you are in a tough spot or feel overwhelmed. You may try your best, but it still feels like you’re hitting a wall. When you hit a wall, don’t turn around and give up. 

Instead of focusing on your trials, focus on these characteristics of God and be encouraged to face anything that comes your way; David says, “The LORD is my Rock, fortress, savior, protection, shield, power that saves, place of safety, refuge, lamp.” 

You need the faith to see what others overlook. 

1 Samuel 16:7 (ESV) “But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” 

Society looks upon and values outward appearance. We see it every day as we pass billboards, purchase magazines, and watch the television. Beautiful people dominate the media. This is important to the world, a standard that outward appearance is how our worth is judged. Intelligence and monetary success are equally held in high esteem by modern culture. 

God does not value our outward appearance or care if we are bright or rich. He only wants us to love Him and follow Him. He sees the heart of his people and our capacity to love and serve others. God's divine love knows each of us. He understands our strengths and is prepared to lift us in our weaknesses. 

  • How can we retrain our eyes and minds to see as God sees and not as man sees?  

In what ways do you see society's emphasis on appearance, intelligence, or wealth influencing your world? How can we as a group help each other focus more on the values God cherishes? 

You need the faith to take a risk. 

Faith is spelled “R-I-S-K.” You must be willing to go all in! Failure happens to everyone, but you cannot let it prevent you from ever trying again. Don’t just dream about what you want to do. Instead, take action! A dream will always stay a dream until you act on it. 

In the movie, “Air”, Sonny Vaccaro stood strong for what he believed with all of his heart. His experience told him he was right.  

Michael Jordan said “I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something, but I cannot accept not trying.” 

Hebrews 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” 

Hebrews 11:6 describes the deep convictions that are part of saving faith. There are two components in this verse that echo the movie. First, unwavering faith, then action.  

James 2:17 “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” 

James 2:14-25 is all about the necessary balance of faith and deeds. Out of true faith, comes action. True faith can't help but express itself in action. 

  • Have you been deeply convicted to do something but have been afraid to act on it? Why? What were the obstacles?  

Often others can’t see the vision you see and may express pessimism or negativity.  

  • Have people’s comments or lack of support about your vision/dream ever succeeded in persuading you to give up? Or did you double down in faith? What was the outcome?  

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” 

  • How can you employ this verse as a reminder (even in the daily things) that ‘if you could see it already, it wouldn’t be faith!’? 

If we want to do the extraordinary, we need to depart from the ordinary. That takes courage, perseverance, and the ability to act in faith. All things God has equipped us to do through Christ Jesus.  

You need the faith to overcome opposition. 

Setbacks are a part of life, but they shouldn't lead us to give up. Instead, we should ask ourselves if we can muster the strength to continue and overcome. When faced with repeated failures and disappointments, the temptation to quit can be strong. Yet, like a toddler who persistently tries to walk despite numerous falls, we too must keep pushing forward. 

Proverbs 24:16 NIV "Though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes." 

  • Can you share a time when you faced significant setbacks? How did you find the strength to continue, and what role did your faith play in that situation? 
  • How can Proverbs 24:16 — "Though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes" — be applied in our daily lives? What practical steps can we take to embody this verse? 

This verse encourages us to rise after every fall, especially when we are pursuing the goals God has set for us. In moments of defeat, it's crucial to turn to God's Word for strength and motivation. By studying and memorizing scripture, we equip ourselves to face life's challenges with God's power. 

  • What scriptures do you turn to for encouragement when you feel like giving up? How have these verses helped you in tough times? 

Michael Jordan once said, "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career... I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." His perseverance through failure is a powerful reminder of the resilience needed to achieve success. 

  • Michael Jordan spoke about his numerous failures leading to his success. How does knowing about his failures and successes change your perspective on your own setbacks and failures? 


If you have faith, you can do the impossible. Faith reaches up, grabs hold of nothing, and pulls down something. There is more for you, and it starts with giving your life to Jesus and living a life of faith. 

  • How can we support each other in our group when someone is facing a difficult time? What actions can we take to uplift and encourage perseverance?