At The Movies | Ordinary Angels | Jentezen Franklin
Sunday, July 14
Today, we draw inspiration from yet another true-life story depicted in the movie "Ordinary Angels." This heartfelt film portrays the extraordinary power of ordinary people when they are moved by compassion, faith, and a desire to make a difference.
As we delve into this study, we will explore themes of servitude, community, and the impact of small acts of kindness. Our journey will be anchored in Scripture, reflecting on how God often uses the most unexpected individuals to carry out His extraordinary plans.
Through this guide, we aim to strengthen our understanding of how ordinary actions, fueled by faith, can lead to miraculous outcomes.
Living As The Hands And Feet Of Jesus
The Movie ‘Ordinary Angels’ holds a valuable truth for the church today, because it shows what’s possible when we move from faith to action, from “hopes and prayers” to actually becoming a part of the solution. God isn't seeking out only the super smart or the religious who have everything figured out. More often than not, He uses the weakest among us to demonstrate His strength.
1 Corinthians 1:26-30 (NIV)
“Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.”
It's in our moments of weakness that God’s power becomes most evident, as He transforms perceived limitations into platforms for His glory and purpose.
[Pick one question]
- If you have ever privately judged someone (their intelligence, capabilities or mannerisms) only to see God promote them or use them mightily, were you convicted by the Holy Spirit? What did the Holy Spirit reveal to you in that moment?
- Often we think we weren't "gifted" to do the various things that need to be done in this world. How has this message changed your perspective about both "earthly qualifications" and Who it is that does the qualifying?
“Don’t pass off the prompting of the Lord as a mere coincidence. What others would call a coincidence, in reality is an invitation into someone else’s journey.” - Pastor Jentezen Franklin
[Pick one question]
- Has anyone experienced a Holy Spirit prompt to draw near to a person or family (get to know them, fellowship with them more) only to have a need exposed that was unknown? Were you able to meet a need? Did you see that you were put there for that very purpose?
- Has anyone tried to help you and you said "No thanks, I got it"? What mindsets cause us to not let others help? How do you think this temporarily disrupts the plan God had for you and the one offering help?
We Are All Ordinary Angels
Ordinary angels surround us! Last Sunday, Pastor Jentezen highlighted the numerous accomplishments Free Chapel has achieved over the years through outreach and service. These are a result of countless individuals who serve and generously give to the ministry, creating a lasting impact both locally and globally. It's a clear indication that ordinary angels are present throughout this church.
Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV)
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’”
The essence of the movie Ordinary Angels urges those who haven't already said, "Here I am, Lord, send me," to take action.
[Pick one question]
- Have you been ignoring the Holy Spirit's nudging to serve, give or even to come into community with others? If so, what has held you back?
- Matthew 25:35-36 is in the section about the judgment of the nations and the reward for those (sheep) He will set on His right. They were approved based on what they did. Action. When we meet the needs of others, we do it for Jesus Himself. How do you become and stay "others-focused"?
Ready To Serve In And Out Of Season
Have you ever felt like your past mistakes or current limitations disqualify you from making a significant impact? Consider this: when we open our hearts to God and identify a need around us, whether it's a neighbor struggling with loneliness, or a friend in need of encouragement, God can use us in powerful ways. He doesn't require us to be perfect or to have it all together. Instead, He invites us to step out in faith and obedience.
Galatians 6:2 (NIV)
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
- How can we prepare ourselves to serve God and others at any time, even when it is inconvenient?
Hebrews 6:10 (NIV)
“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”
When you offer your willingness and availability to God, He can open your eyes to opportunities to bless others in ways you never imagined. Your unique experiences, talents, and even your past struggles can become instruments of His grace and compassion. Step forward in faith, identify the needs around you, and trust that God will use your life to bring hope, healing, and restoration to others.
[Pick one question]
- What steps can we take to identify the needs around us and discern how God wants us to address them?
- Have you ever trusted that God would provide a way for you to be a blessing when all hope seemed lost? How did you remain resolute?
Strength In Community
In the journey of faith, God never intended for us to walk alone. He designed us for community, for relationships that go beyond mere acquaintance, they are bonds of fellowship and shared life. Small groups aren't just about meetings; they are about becoming a family of faith, a microcosm of the church where we learn to love like Christ, forgive like Christ, and serve like Christ.
[Pick one question]
- How has being a part of a small group impacted your life?
- What are some ways small groups can be both relevant and effective in the community?
“Life on an island is lonely and many times is just plain selfish. The church was meant to be a family---and families weather the storms and celebrate the victories together. When life hits the hardest-- and in your greatest hour of need---when the chips are down---we were meant to do this together.” - Pastor Jentezen Franklin
As we ponder the questions and Scriptures we've discussed, may we be inspired to move from passive faith to active service. Let us be attentive to the Holy Spirit’s nudging, ready to meet the needs around us, and to live as the hands and feet of Jesus. Remember, it is through our willingness to serve and our obedience to God’s call that we can truly make a difference in this world.
In what ways can you embrace your own ordinary circumstances to become an extraordinary vessel for God's work? How can you shift from merely wishing for change to actively participating in God's plan through your actions? Let this reflection inspire you to take a step of faith, trusting that your small acts, driven by compassion and faith, can lead to miraculous outcomes and transform lives around you.
Right People, Right Place, Right Plan
Serve Teams