Lesson 1: The Commission
Sunday, January 7
“For me, fasting has been the secret to obtaining open doors, miraculous provision, favor, and the tender touch of God upon my life.”
Fasting, Jentezen Franklin
This lesson underlines that biblical fasting serves a spiritual purpose. Throughout this lesson we will explore the significance of faith, prayer, and fasting in the context of Scripture, and how they can shape our spiritual journey.
What is Fasting?
“Fasting” means going without food for a specified period of time in order to focus on the Lord. People who are fasting can set aside the time of preparing and eating meals and use it to worship and pray. Also, their hunger pangs will remind them of their complete dependence upon God.
- Have you ever fasted before? If so, what was your experience, and if not, what are your initial thoughts and feelings about fasting?
- Biblical fasting is refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. What spiritual purpose do you hope to achieve through fasting?
Mountain Moving (Matthew 17:14-21)
Read Matthew 17:14-21 and set the context of the story of the demon-possessed boy and the disciples' inability to cast out the demon.
Matthew 17:14-21 NKJV
And when they had come to the multitude, a man came to Him, kneeling down to Him and saying, “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. So I brought him to Your disciples, but they could not cure him.”
Then Jesus answered and said, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.” And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him; and the child was cured from that very hour.
Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”
So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
Jesus expressed his frustration with the religious leaders due to their lack of belief and responsiveness, which characterized their generation. Interestingly, his disciples seemed to exhibit a similar attitude. However, Jesus didn't mince words when he corrected them. His intention was to ignite a stronger faith within them. He rebuked them for their inadequate faith, emphasizing the pivotal role faith would play in their future ministry.
When confronted with seemingly insurmountable challenges, it's crucial to shift your focus away from the enormity of the problem and instead direct your gaze towards Jesus to cultivate a deeper faith. This faith will empower you to overcome the obstacles that obstruct your path.
- Can you relate to moments of impatience or discouragement in your life, like the disciples' frustration in the passage from Matthew 17:14-21? Share an experience when you faced a seemingly insurmountable challenge.
- Reflect on your faith journey. Do you find it challenging to believe that even a small amount of faith can move mountains? Why or why not?
- In the book "Fasting," Pastor Jentezen points out, "Jesus said 'nothing' would be impossible to us—not if we had great faith, but if we had faith like the smallest seed." Discuss the encouragement that statement brings you.
- Who do you know that has great faith and what do you admire about that person?
The disciples had failed to lean on God's power through prayer. It's essential to actively seek and trust in God's power by making requests in each situation.
Prayer serves as the critical mechanism for unlocking and showcasing faith. Effective prayer necessitates a mindset of absolute reliance on God, redirecting our thoughts away from self-centeredness and wholly towards God. This shift in focus equips us to confront and handle challenging circumstances.
- What would be your advice to someone who is considering fasting but is still undecided?
- The Scripture passage teaches the importance of not measuring your faith by the size of the problem but by the greatness of God. How can you shift your focus from the size of your problems to the greatness of God in your life?
- How can you incorporate faith and patience in your fasting experience? What strategies can you use to prevent discouragement from taking hold?
Set Apart (Acts 12:25-13:3)
We have discussed fasting, the importance of prayer, and reliance on God in the midst of adversity. Now let’s look at the beginnings of the first century church. During a time of prayer and fasting, Paul and Barnabus received God’s guidance to embark on a specific mission. Be encouraged that your own journey can be guided and empowered by these practices.
Acts 12:25-13:3
When Barnabas and Saul had finished their mission, they returned from Jerusalem, taking with them John, also called Mark. Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.
- What stands out to you about this passage?
The communication from the Spirit, potentially conveyed through a member of the group (Acts 13:1), directed them as follows: ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them' (Verse 2). The term 'set apart' is represented by the Greek word 'aphorizo,' signifying appointment or designation for a specific purpose. This term is employed to characterize significant moments in Paul's journey, such as his conversion (Romans 1:1) and, in this instance, his commissioning for the Gentile mission field.
- Have you ever experienced a similar sense that God was prompting you to do something in your life?
- In Verse 2, it says that they were "worshiping the Lord and fasting" when the Holy Spirit spoke to them. How might worship and fasting prepare us to hear God's voice and receive guidance?
- In your opinion, why do you think the Holy Spirit chose Barnabas and Saul for this mission? What qualities or characteristics might they have possessed that made them suitable for this work?
- How can we, as a group, actively seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our decision-making processes and in discerning God's call for us individually and collectively?
"Fasting prepares the way for God to give you fresh revelation, fresh vision, and clear purpose."Fasting, Jentezen Franklin
Through prayer, faith, and fasting, we not only cultivate a profound reliance on God but also open ourselves to guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit. Just as Barnabas and Saul were set apart for their specific mission after a time of worship, prayer, and fasting, so too can our own journeys be guided and empowered by these practices. Let’s pray our reliance on God's greatness outweighs the enormity of any challenges that come during this fast, and for all of 2024!
Fasting is the act of refraining from food for a specified period, primarily for a spiritual purpose, such as focusing on the Lord, worship, and prayer. It serves as a reminder of one's dependence on God.
While you fast, remind yourself to rely on your faith and not just your senses.
The lesson discusses the importance of faith and prayer, emphasizing that even a small amount of faith can move mountains.
Effective prayer requires an attitude of complete dependence on God and the action of asking, focusing on God and dealing with difficult situations.
Acts 12:25-13:3 illustrates a situation where fasting, and worship led to the Holy Spirit's guidance in setting apart Barnabas and Saul for a specific mission. Because God called them to the work, they had His blessing from the start!
The passage highlights the importance of seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance in decision-making and discerning God's call, as it brings God's blessing to the task.
Further Discussion (Optional):
- Discuss the three types of fasting mentioned in chapter three of “Fasting” by Jentezen Franklin.
- Talk about the moments when people might become discouraged during fasting and how to overcome them.
- Discuss the importance of faith and patience in fasting, using the example from the Bible.
- Emphasize that even a small amount of faith, like a mustard seed, can move mountains when combined with patience.