Into the Hands of a Woman | Courteney Bence
Sunday, May 12
Welcome to our Bible study series inspired by the empowering message "Into the Hands of a Woman" preached by Courteney Bence at Free Chapel. In this series, we will dive deep into the stories of Deborah and Jael, exploring their significant roles and the profound messages these stories carry into our lives today.
Our focus will be on the passages from Judges 4:7-9 and Judges 5:26, where we see Deborah, a judge and prophetess, rise to lead Israel with courage and wisdom. Simultaneously, we witness Jael’s daring act of faith and deliverance, embodying the message that God often calls us into uncharted territories to achieve His purposes.
· What do you remember from Sunday’s message?
This study is designed to encourage each of us, especially mothers, to recognize and step into the roles God has called us to, be it in our families, workplaces, or communities. As we unpack these biblical narratives, we will connect their themes with practical aspects of our daily lives, discovering together the victories waiting for us in our own "no man's lands."
Join us as we explore how these ancient texts call us to faith, action, and divine alignment in our modern world, empowering us to live out our faith boldly and effectively. Let's prepare our hearts to receive and our minds to engage, as we seek to understand more fully the roles that God has uniquely equipped us to fulfill.
The God-Given Identity of Women
To women: On this Mother’s Day, we need to recognize who we really are. God made each one of us women special and unique.
Genesis 2:22 NKJV:
Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.
Eve was created as a solution to Adam's problem of loneliness. She was special because she was created out of Adam's body. He formed her out of Adam’s rib and made the woman as beautiful and perfect as she could be. God was happy and proud of the end result. Thus, creating His beautiful plan for the first family on Earth. He created male and female equal in His own image. The first marriage was ordained by God, who was present, and He blessed them and ordained them to be fruitful and multiply and subdue and rule over the earth. Eve knew she was Adam’s helper, partner, and together they would live and increase and be a family. She had a Godly purpose for which she was created a female.
You and I are not mistakes. We were not created as an afterthought. God created women for a purpose and a calling in His kingdom. This is our identity, and it’s a God-given mandate.
We are His. When we realize this and rise up like Deborah to make a difference in our homes, marriages, families, and workplace—and this world—even to help others who may be battling serious gender identity crises, we can point them to the Creator who made them, and there would be no confusion or crisis as to who they were. Let’s be a solution for others' problems.
- How can we be motivated by this message to take our role and responsibility seriously as a woman/a mother to make a difference?
- What can we do as a mother to impact our children and other kids with Godly values?
The Power of Secret Prayer
It's one thing to attend church and pray within the supportive community of fellow believers.
However, as the days unfold, everyday life bombards you with its relentless challenges: uncooperative children, inconvenient car problems, tight deadlines at work, and whatever else may come your way. In the midst of all the chaos, there's something spiritually comforting about retreating to a quiet place, locking the door behind you, and being alone with the Lord, going to Him with all the weight. Whatever your chaos moment may be, we find in scripture that we are not alone. Our mighty God sees us.
He sees the trials life throws our way, yet it's reassuring to know we have the choice and freedom to seek refuge in His presence whenever we please. This truth is beautifully captured in Matthew 6:6:
Matthew 6:6
"But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you."
In the midst of the storm, are you running to God, seeking Him in desperate times? Or are you running to the temporary stimulants of this world? Not only does the Lord see what we are going through, but He also mentions that He will reward us in doing so in the chapter above, towards the end of the verse: "Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you."
If you seek Him with worry about the future, He may gift you peace. If you seek Him with a heart of request, He may provide abundantly. All of these gifts that no man or thing can provide are tangible! But are you willing to get down on your knees in private to seek Him in prayer? The choice is yours.
· How do you typically respond to the chaos and challenges of everyday life? Do you tend to rely on your own strength or seek refuge in prayer?
· Reflect on a recent chaotic moment in your life. Did you turn to God in prayer during that time? Why or why not?
Actionable Steps and Closing
· Encourage members to consider areas in their lives where they can "give it to God" and more actively trust in His plans.
· Reflect on the role of prayer in personal and family life, inspired by Matthew 6:6 and the story of the great grandmother's prayers.
Group Prayer
· Close with a prayer focusing on empowerment, faith, and protection. Include prayers for the specific needs and challenges discussed by group members.
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