Born to Win | Jentezen Franklin

Sunday, June 23

Originally preached on December 13, 2020. 


The sermon “Born to Win” by Pastor Jentezen Franklin emphasizes that even when it seems like we’re not living up to our potential, we were created to succeed. By holding onto what God says about us and rejecting other negative voices, we can overcome challenges and fulfill our purpose. 


Guide participants in understanding the significance of identity and destiny in Christ, using the example of Gad from Genesis 49:19. 

Gad’s Struggle 

Genesis 49:1-2 (NIV) “Then Jacob called his sons and said: “Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come. Assemble and listen, sons of Jacob; listen to your father Israel.” 

Jacob, also known as Israel, spoke over each of his sons before his death. He declared their identities and destinies. For Gad, he prophesied that although he would face attacks, he would ultimately triumph. 

Genesis 49:19 (NIV) “Gad will be attacked by a band of raiders, but he will attack them at their heels.” 

Jacob's prophecy about Gad alludes to his name, meaning "troop," and predicts the tribe's future character. Although God's cause and His people might face temporary setbacks, they will ultimately triumph, symbolizing the Christian's struggle. Grace within the soul may be overcome by corruption at times, but since the cause is God's, grace will ultimately prevail (Romans 8:37). 

  • What does the prophecy about Gad tell us about his future challenges and ultimate victory? 
  • How does this relate to the struggles we face in our own lives? 
  • What can we learn from Jacob’s example about the power of a God-given identity? 

Activity: Identity in Christ List 

As a group, create a list of scriptures that declare who we are in Christ (begin with the ones mentioned in the devotional: Romans 8:37, Philippians 4:13, Ephesians 2:10). 

  • Discuss how these scriptures can be applied to overcome personal challenges. 
  • How can we better remind ourselves of our God-given identity during tough times? 

Maturing in the Faith 

As a group, read the devotion ‘The Path to Spiritual Fatherhood.’ 


If we ask, God will give us prophetic insight for our children. But our first focus should be growing up in Jesus to be the spiritual fathers God wants us to be. In Jesus, the New Testament provides two road maps (1 John 2 and 2 Peter 1) to spiritual maturity, and with careful attention and diligence, by the blood of Jesus, our road to spiritual fatherhood need not be as rough as Israel's. 

Spiritual Children 

Spiritual children have had their sins forgiven by grace through trust in the name of Jesus. (1 John 2:12) Scripture encourages spiritual children to participate in the divine nature (that is, grow to fatherhood) and “make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control...” (2 Peter 1:6-8) 

Spiritual Young Men 

Once spiritual children add goodness, knowledge, and self-control to their faith, they qualify as spiritual young men if they “are strong” and “the word of God lives in” them, and they “have overcome the evil one.” (1 John 2:14) Without these characteristics, one is likely still in the childhood stage of spiritual maturity. Once we qualify as spiritual young men, we can grow toward fatherhood by making every effort to add to our self-control, “perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness ...” (2 Peter 1:6-8) 

Spiritual Fathers 

Once spiritual young men add perseverance, godliness, and brotherly kindness to their character of being strong because the word of God lives in them and they have overcome the evil one, they are in a position to know Jesus, not as a child upon his knee, but by having grown to the level of love that can lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13) When we add love to our brotherly kindness as the most mature character quality, this is the love that gives and gives and serves and serves and endures hardship and difficulty growing to the love that covers a multitude of sins. 

  • Discuss the stages of maturity in the faith. 

Children of God 

"To believe" is closely linked to "receive" in our relationship with Christ, emphasizing the need for a deliberate, personal response. Both "receiving" and "believing" imply an informed awareness, not mere blind faith. They focus on Jesus Christ as the personal object of our faith, rather than a system, tradition, or organization. When we receive and believe in Jesus Christ, He graciously grants us the privilege of becoming children of God. 

John 1:12 NIV Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 

  • What does it mean to "receive" Jesus and "believe in his name" according to John 1:12? 
  • Why is it significant that believers are given the right to become children of God? 

John reassures us in today’s theme scripture, that Jesus gave authority to all of us that believe in his name, that we would not only be sons and daughters of God, but also have authority in his name as well. By him giving us this authority, we are to put our talents and gifts to work on his behalf here on earth. 

When we go out into the world we are to shine through the darkness, and bring people into the light, as Christ was light and life. It is important for us to not forget what authority God has given us, and that we must exercise our authority in the right ways, meaning to walk in the way of His light and present ourselves as children of God. 

Closing Prayer 

End with a prayer, thanking God for His Word and asking for His help in living out our identity and destiny in Christ. 

Born to Win Devotions 

The Path to Spiritual Fatherhood: 

Born to Be a Winner: 

You Shall Receive Power: 

